Alcohol Use Among Executives: Navigating the Fine Line

Alcohol Use Among Executives: Navigating the Fine Line

Alcohol Use Among Executives: Navigating the Fine Line In the fast-paced world of business, executives often face immense pressure to perform, lead, and innovate. This high-stakes environment can lead to various coping mechanisms, and for many, alcohol becomes a part...
Schema Therapy and Low Self-Esteem

Schema Therapy and Low Self-Esteem

Schema Therapy: A depth approach to low self-esteem. Do You Worry That You’re Not Good Enough?  How do you feel about yourself? Do you like yourself? Do you feel like a fraud and just fooling everyone around you? Do you compare your achievements to others? Do you hide...
Couple Counseling Or Divorce?

Couple Counseling Or Divorce?

Couple Counseling Or Divorce? Is is Over? The common dilemma of marriage and couple counseling clients.  Couples often contact me looking answers. They ask me “ Is my marriage over?” Or “Can we really find “us,” again?” Couples come with complicated questions and my...