Schema Therapy
Identify, manage and heal from emotional triggers
Schema therapy in DC is a comprehensive therapy approach that focuses on the patient as a whole. Creating change in those who struggle with chronic emotional challenges, relationship problems, and other complex psychological issues that have not responded well to other forms of therapy. Schema therapy in DC provides a corrective emotional experience to foster new meaning out of life’s struggles and ultimately to meet needs in healthier ways.
What is schema?
A “Schema” is an enduring, negative, deep-rooted pattern of thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, and familiar behaviors that erupt in life when triggered by events. There are 18 early maladaptive schemas to be exact. These schemas react when our core needs are not met. The core needs are secure attachment, safety, autonomy, freedom to express valid needs and emotions, spontaneity and play, realistic limits, and self-esteem. When a schema is activated it is often linked to a deep-rooted sense of self or an emotional memory.
In our fast-paced environments and busy lives, the ability to assess personal concerns, achieve mental well-being, balance life, work demands, and reach goals expeditiously is worth this next-level service.
How are Schemas Developed?
Our schemas are developed when childhood, adolescent needs are not met either through neglect or trauma. When schemas are active extreme negative emotions and dysfunctional thoughts are present and unhealthy coping styles will develop. Schemas can create lasting struggles in a person’s life creating chronic depression and anxiety, relationship issues, poor functioning in school/work, chronic low self-esteem, repeated feelings of fear, loneliness and rejection.
“The goal is not to eliminate schemas but rather to help you reach the core needs in an adaptive manner by enhancing healthy coping so schemas are triggered less frequently and less intensely. My goal as a schema therapist is to identify chronic self-defeating patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving. I will then help you use a combination of talking and experiential exercises to raise emotional awareness, work through early experiences, learn how to spot emotional triggers in daily life, and cope in healthy, healing ways.”